From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media)
Way more–lots of illustrations, on this: https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5wC
Moses–a Jew descended from Abraham on his mother’s side, an Egyptian prince on his father’s side, started Judaism as a religion.
Enlil Told Moses, “Take Jacob’s People to Canaan”
In 1450 BCE Enlil (Yahweh) told Moses, “Show the Pharaoh magic. Tell him to let my people go.”
Pharaoh Amenhotep knew that if he let the Israelites go, they’d ally with their Mitanni kinsmen against Marduk-ruled Egypt. So instead Amenhotep ordered each Israelite make three times more bricks per day. To get Pharaoh to let them go, Enlil said he hit Egypt with plagues, infestations, cattle diseases, darkness and weather chaos Nibiru’s nearing created.
The Kobrin Bible details devastation Enlil claimed he wrought on Egypt. The Old Testament spins the disasters into a tale of Yahweh’s execution of all non-Israelite firstborn children and cows in Egypt.
In 1433 BCE, Pharaoh told the Israelites, “Go,” then sent chariots after them. Enlil, whose astronomical computers showed him exactly how the Red Sea drained and refilled as Nibiru now neared Earth, guided the Israelite exodus.
For forty years, Enlil led Moses and the Israelites through the desert to the edge of Sinai. Nights, he led with a “fiery beacon;” days, with a dark cloud. He fed the Israelites and protected them from Amalekites.
Enlil demanded they kill 3000 of their number who worshiped other Anunnaki. He made them execute 23,000 for sex before they married.
In 1394 BCE, a comet hit Earth, disintegrated, made day last 20 hours as Joshua and the Israelites attacked the Canaanites near Beth-Horon. Simultaneously, on the side of the Earth opposite Canaan, the comet also delayed sunrise 20 hours in the Andes.
In 1383 BCE Enlil landed his aircraft on Mt. Sinai and ordered Moses up the mountain. There Moses heard Enlil’s orders. He came down Mt. Sinai and relayed Enlil’s orders to the Israelites. Then Enlil with an amplifier, told the Israelites, Obey or die.
Enlil again flew to the mountaintop, ordered Moses up. He gave Moses plans for a Yahweh-temple in Jerusalem and told him how to build an Ark–a box for a communication unit. With the Ark, Moses’ brother Aaron and his priest-lineage could message Enlil, pose questions, and get “Yes” or “No” answers.
Enlil told Moses to store the monoatomic gold (with which he’d been medicating the Israelites) in the Ark to lighten it. The Ark weighed many tons. It may have housed a small nuclear reactor. Also, to stow in the Ark, Enlil gave Moses stone tablets with commandments. Enlil had probably manufactured the tablets with something like our emerging reduplicative computing technology.
Moses told the Israelites what Enlil wanted. He gave Moses orders engraved in stone. Moses, however, in a fit of rage and murder, destroyed the engravings and the Israelites who’d made a golden calf to propitiate Enlil.
Enlil then had Moses engrave another set of rules.
Enlil then landed his rocket atop the mount and, with an amplifier he spoke directly to 600,000 Israelites at the mountain’s base. They must, he said, reject all other Nibiran gods, not even say their names. They must spend every seventh day worshiping him and subjugate women and kids, as well as refrain from murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not, he said, crave others’ homes, wives, Earthlings and property.
For forty days on the peak he either regaled Moses on his spaceship with projections or rocketed him up so he could see and report the Earth was curved–something Earthlings of his day did not know.
Enlil then landed his rocket on the mount and, with an amplifier, told, the people what he wanted. They had to say they’d obey. He had Moses make a temple and a box (an “Ark of the Covenant”) that sported two gold cherubs) for tablets of his orders. Above a drawer in the Ark, Moses built a Talk-To-Enlil communicator. Moses returned to the Israelites, glowed with radiation from Enlil’s aircraft.
Moses died before reaching the Promised Land, but his general, Joshua, led the Israelites there. When they crossed the Jordan River, Enlil “parted the waters” with HAARP-type technology so the Israelites could cross.
Enlil’s tablets commanded the Israelites to reject all other Nibiran gods, spend every seventh day worshiping him, subjugate women and kids, forgo murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not crave others’ homes, wives, slaves and property.
Anunnaki men from the planet Nibiru, posing as gods since Noah’s flood, created war, political fanaticism and religion to secure obedience to them and hierarchic, top-down authority with them at the top.
In Anunnaki-promulgated dominator religions men boss women, control resources and often condone killing non-believers. They manipulate guilt and shame around food, sex and pleasure. Anunnaki religions are viruses. They infect families that poison the minds of their descendants through generations.
Enlightened individuals and groups within every Dominator religion transcend rigid hierarchy, status-obsession, female suppression, slavery and murderous leadership of their traditions and instead embrace spiritual experiences, universal empathy, partnership and nondual awareness.
These Anunnaki religions–hierarchical, patriarchal, hostile to each other still compete with each other but give Anunnaki Lords and their Hybrid hands control of Earth.
SUMERIAN TEMPLE RITUALS (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5wC)
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11a Judaism: scriptures, Father Abraham – Jewish populations, origins
11a Judaism: scriptures, Father Abraham – Jewish populations, origins |