JANET KIRA LESSIN & SASHA ALEX LESSIN, Anunnaki, Ancient Anthropology, Extraterrestrial Contact, COSMIC ORACLE SHOW

https://www.facebook.com/share/v/7U41Jc9L1Zus3EW7 JANET KIRA LESSIN & SASHA ALEX LESSIN, Anunnaki, Ancient Anthropology, Extraterrestrial Contact, COSMIC ORACLE SHOW with Barbara Jean Lindsey & Steve Colburn JULY 12TH 2024 at 5-7PM PST 7-9PM CST 8-10PM EST LIVE here on Facebook.: JUST HIT THE LINK BELOW and Revolution Radio @ https://revolution.radio/ We are in Studio B Contact: Barbara Jean …

“The Sitchin Scholars” Part I The Bret Lueder Show with Guests Sasha and Janet Lessin Episode #80

Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin continue the legendary work of the ancient history scholar Zecharia Sitchin. These “Sitchin Scholars” were tasked by Sitchin himself to uncover the enigmatic legacy of the alleged genetic creators of humankind, a race of humanoid giants known as the Annunaki. These aliens came from Nibiru, which Sitchin …