Always connected to the Dragon Mother, we are in many ways one, the same being.  At the highest level of existence, we remember everything and experience ourselves as one being. On that level, I am indeed one with many beings. On some level, I am one with every being, including yourself, the person reading this …

PRESENTATIONS ~ Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin ~ Alien Event October 2024

JANET KIRA LESSIN ~ BIO Janet Kira is an author, media host, educator, researcher, hypnotherapist, and extraterrestrial and paranormal experiencer. She hosted and produced 1200+ radio shows and podcasts. Janet co-founded the Aquarian Radio Network and, with her husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin, authored 12+ books. She is a hypnotherapist and teaches relationship improvement, extraterrestrial deprogramming, …

Bloodline Of The Holy Grail

by: Laurence Gardner – The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed The time-honored quest for the Holy Grail has been referred to by some as the ‘ultimate quest’, but in 1547 the Church condemned Grail lore as a heresy even though tradition perceives the Grail as a thoroughly Christian relic.   Available Transcripts fromLaurence Gardner …

PRESSYNE & MELUSINE: Anunnaki Mermaids & Mothers of European Nobility

by Enki updated on July 4, 2023 Leave a Comment on PRESSYNE & MELUSENE: Anunnaki Mermaids & Mothers of European Nobility Compilation & commentary by Janet Kira Lessin PRESSYNE Pressyne is the first mother of Europe’s Royals. In the time of the Crusades, Elynas, the King of Scotland/Alba, hunting, came across a beautiful lady in the forest. She was …

Why All The Presidents Are Related…And You Are Too – Pedigree Collapse

EVERY baby is a ROYAL baby – Numberphile Transcript 0:00hello everybody i am jerryrosagini 0:02vlogger and on today’s vlog i will be 0:04discussing why all the presidents are 0:07related to each other and you are too 0:11[Music] 0:21are all the presidents related to each 0:23other yes and so is everybody else the 0:27difficult part is …

EDWARD DE VERE ~ 1550-1604

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford Sir Edward De Vere (17th Earl of Oxford, Lord Great Chamberlain of England) (William Shakespeare) 1st cousin 13x removed) 1550–1604 BIRTH 12 APRIL 1550 • Castle Hedingham, Braintree District, Essex, England DEATH 24 JUN 1604 • Hackney, London Borough of Hackney, Greater London, England1st cousin 13x removed From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Edward de …


BLOODLINES OF ALL US PRESIDENTS February 24, 2015 This article was posted by TLB Staff GOVERNMENT, WORLD 7 Guide to American Presidents burkes peerage US Presidents are descendant from the British & French Royal The books Burke’s Peerage & Baronetage and Burke’s Landed Gentry have, for 175 years, recorded the genealogies of the UK and Ireland’s titled and …

ELIZABETH I, QUEEN OF ENGLAND ~ 1533-1603 ~ 1st cousin 14x removed

Sir Admiral Thomas Seymour, High Admiral of England, Husband of Queen Elizabeth I (executed for treason), “1st Baron Seymour of Sudley” (12th GGF) 1508–1549 BIRTH 1508 • Wolf Hall, Burbage, Wiltshire, England DEATH 20 MARCH 1549 EXECUTED HUSBAND OF QUEEN ELIZABETH 1ST • Tower Hamlets, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Greater London, England12th great-grandfather Lady Jane Grey, Lady Janet Dudley, the …

Dagobert I, King of the Franks

Dagobert King France (35th GGF) 700–1885 BIRTH ABT 700 • , France DEATH 28 MAR 1885 • Kingdom, Bibb, Alabama, United States35th great-grandfather From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dagobert I Contemporary effigy of Dagobert from a gold triens King of Neustria and Burgundy Successor Clovis II King of the Franks Reign 18 October 629 – 19 January 639 Predecessor Chlothar II Successor Vacant (next …

John Day (Dee) (Alford) (the Conjuror) (14th GGF)

John Dee (1527–1609) was an influential English mathematician, astrologer, alchemist, philosopher, and occultist. A polymath, Dee played a pivotal role in shaping the intellectual and esoteric thought of the Renaissance, combining science and mysticism in ways that reflected the time’s quest for knowledge. Key Aspects of John Dee’s Life and Work Today, John Dee is …