Always connected to the Dragon Mother, we are in many ways one, the same being.  At the highest level of existence, we remember everything and experience ourselves as one being. On that level, I am indeed one with many beings. On some level, I am one with every being, including yourself, the person reading this …

Dragon at the End of Time ~ Introduction

INTRODUCTION When I was aware of my existence as one with Source, I began to sub-parse (divide and sub-divide) into separate self-senses to experience a fuller expression of self.  In that process, me, myself, and I created we, themselves, and they.  Then, they made us.  We continued to sub-parse, differentiate, divide, unite, and then further …

PRESENTATIONS ~ Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin ~ Alien Event October 2024

JANET KIRA LESSIN ~ BIO Janet Kira is an author, media host, educator, researcher, hypnotherapist, and extraterrestrial and paranormal experiencer. She hosted and produced 1200+ radio shows and podcasts. Janet co-founded the Aquarian Radio Network and, with her husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin, authored 12+ books. She is a hypnotherapist and teaches relationship improvement, extraterrestrial deprogramming, …