The Quinotaur is a legendary sea creature described in Frankish mythology, particularly associated with the origins of the Merovingian dynasty. Its name, derived from the Latin Quinotaurus (“five-horned bull”), suggests a hybrid being with aquatic and bovine features. The Quinotaur is most famously linked to the tale of the divine conception of Meroveus, the semi-legendary …


THE MEROVINGIAN MYTHOS AND ITS ROOTS IN THE ANCIENT KINGDOM OF ATLANTIS BY TRACY R. TWYMAN WRITTEN FOR DAGOBERT’S REVENGE MAGAZINE https://realityroars.com/history/european/merovingian-mythos.html The Frankish King Dagobert II, and the Merovingian dynasty from which he came, have been romantically mythologized in the annals of both local legend and modern mystical pseudo-history, but few have understood the true meaning …


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  The Merovingian kingdoms at their height (the Saxons and Bretons also paid tribute to the Merovingian Kings, though, at different times) The Merovingian dynasty (/ˌmɛrəˈvɪndʒiən/) was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751. [1] They first appear as “Kings of the Franks” in the Roman army of northern Gaul. …