I was just sent this email and I’m tracking down it’s origin. I’m searching the internet (04-28-2023) and nothing is coming up. I’ll keep you posted. Anunnakism My New Religion: A Spiritual Path for the Modern World Enki Speaks ANUNNAKISM, A NEW RELIGION? OYE VEY Forward from JOHN HAVLASEK FYI from Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. …


by Nigel Watson Source: Fortean Times March 23, 1999 Almost from the start, sex and UFOs were inseparable bedfellows. The adventure of 23-year-old Antonio Villas-Boas on 16 October 1957 in Brazil is probably the most famous case of interstellar intercourse. Antonio was plowing a field on the family farm when the engine of his …

The Antonio Villas-Boas Account

by Nigel Watson Source: Fortean Times March 23, 1999 Almost from the start, sex and UFOs were inseparable bedfellows. The adventure of 23-year-old Antonio Villas-Boas on 16 October 1957 in Brazil is probably the most famous case of interstellar intercourse. Antonio was plowing a field on the family farm when the engine of his …


On November 18, 1957, English housewife Cynthia Appleton was taking care of her children at home when she suddenly heard a high-pitched whistling sound in her sitting room. Once the sound stopped, Appleton saw a tall, blond man materialize near her fireplace. Using telepathy, the man instructed Appleton not to be afraid. He was a visitor from …


Eisenhower UFO meeting ☮ Alien Peace Treaty Illuminati Conspiracy Area 51 👽 Bill Cooper Tells All Eisenhower, Alien, Treaty, Illuminati, UFO, Conspiracy, Area 51, Bill Cooper Tells All UFOs AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER – UFO SECRET: MJ-12 – Do You Believe In MAGIC? – ALIEN SIGNS Fair use principles under Section 107 of the …

I Finally Heard the Song EVERONE is Talking About.

Ren – Hi Ren – ORIGINAL 16 replies J Bledsoe 1 month agoStages of watching Hi Ren: This looks creepy Guitar sounds nice Oh he’s singing Will the whole song be like this? Here’s the beat Ok he’s rapping now This guy is scary Now he seems nice Oh I see what he’s doing This …