Time Travel Possible? Evidence Says Yes | 9 Time Travelers caught on film

He Spent a Year in 3906 | This is what Paul Amadeus Dienach saw In 1924, Paul Amadeus Dienach had been teaching the German language in Greece. Dying of tuberculosis, he wanted to return home to Switzerland. Before he left, he gave hundreds of pages of handwritten notes to his favorite language student Georgios Papachatzis. …

A Time Travel Story | The Dodleston Messages from the past and future

THE COMPUTER THAT PROVED TIME TRAVEL | THE DODLESTON MESSAGES In December 1984, Ken Webster, a high-school teacher, was living with his friend Nic and girlfriend Debbie in the small village of Dodleston. One evening, the three were walking home from the local pub when they saw a pulsing green light emanating from their cottage …


The Time Travel Experiments Of Project Pegasus Rob Schwarz February 13, 2014https://www.strangerdimensions.com/2014/02/13/time-travel-teleportation-experiments-project-pegasus/ I’ve often mentioned Project Pegasus, but we’ve never really talked about it, you know? So sit back, relax, mix yourself a cool Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. Or don’t, because reading this will probably give you the same effect.* In 2004, Washington-based attorney Andrew D. …


Philadelphia Experiment Time travel has always fascinated me. When I read books about the past, I am teleported there. I once touched the side of these giant buildings in the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh when I was a young adult and I saw visions of ancient streets and the people and animals that traveled there. …