ALIEN SPECIES OF EARTH ~ Janet Kira Lessin ~ 05/30/2022

Since Source created the Earth, aliens have visited, colonized, and interacted with humanity. Our governments have been investigating this contact. Some have relationships with various aliens, ongoing communications, and made contracts and agreements. In addition, extraterrestrials come and go from our planet and engage in intergalactic trade and commerce. We already live in a Star …

ALL BEINGS IN THE COSMOS ARE EQUAL ~ 05/30/22 ~ Janet Kira Lessin

Last night I dreamed a significant dream. I’ve been reading “Selected by Extraterrestrials, Volume 2 by William Mills Tompkins, and many things he reveals they clarify and support many things that have happened during my life. Now items are making sense on a level they never have before. I was facilitating a healing event between …

Milton (Mickey) Diamond ~ Human Sexuality, Intersex

Milton Diamond I went to free classes Mickey held over lunchtime at the University of Hawaii from about 1993 to 1997. I didn’t attend every class due to conflicting work schedules, but I went as often as I could and each class was fascinating. Mickey was cutting edge. I’m happy to see his work is …


. Maria Orsic said the Aldebarans created Sumeria 5 million years ago. But Sitchin said the Anunnaki were the ones that made Sumeria, and that happened much later, after the great flood of Noah. So I googled the internet and saw the connections between the Anunnaki, Aldebarans, and Sumerians. Lacerta says the Anunnaki are tall, …

Lady Elizabeth Lady of Thules, Poyntz Butler, Viscountess of Thurles

Lady Elizabeth Lady of Thules, Poyntz Butler (10th GGM) 1588–1673 BIRTH FEB 1588 • Iron Acton, South Gloucestershire Unitary Authority, Gloucestershire, England DEATH 27 MAY 1673 • Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland Elizabeth, Lady Thurles From Wikipedia Elizabeth Poyntz (1587 – May 1673), daughter of Sir John Pointz (died 1633) of Iron Acton in Gloucestershire and his second wife Elizabeth Sydenham, became Lady Thurles in 1608 when she married Thomas Butler, Viscount …


Gametes? Embryo? Fetus? There are 17-time points when human life might begin. If Roe v Wade falls, what will the states decide? Ricki Lewis | May 10, 2022 This article or excerpt is included in the GLP’s daily curated selection of ideologically diverse news, opinion, and analysis of biotechnology innovation. Now that it appears likely that …


The Forced Birth Ruling An entire gender was degraded, the fertilized egg was declared a human being, and all citizens are now conscripted to follow a vicious edict of the Catholic Church Michael Moore May 4 One hundred seventy million American women and girls were suddenly informed on Monday that they have been removed from …


Maria Orsic said the Albebarans created Sumeria 5 million years ago. But Sitchin said the Anunnaki were the ones that created Sumeria and that happened much later, after the great flood of Noah. So I decided to google the internet and see the connections between the Anunnaki, Aldberans, and Sumeria and see what I could …


I’m researching how the Nazis acquired and/or created the anti-gravity spacecraft that they used during WWII. My great-uncle fought the foo fighters in WWII. I’m tracking down a story about my paternal grandmother’s half-brother who told my older sister (her grandaughter) about her brother. Plus grandmother Thompson told me she saw a UFO right above …