WASHINGTON, DC UFO Incident 1952

1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident (Redirected from 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident) Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, on the Potomac River From July 12 to 29, 1952, a series of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings were reported in Washington, D.C., and later became known as the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings, or the Invasion of Washington.[1] The most publicized sightings took …


List of reported UFO sightings I’m having fun writing a series of books that correlate my own experiences with the UFO and contactee episodes throughout the time I have been alive on the planet. Also, I’m including my research going back to the Anunnaki. Of course, I can’t include everything. But I touch on those …


“A” is for Aho! JANUARY 8, 2020 / CHASINGUFOSBLOG Major Wayne Aho at the 1998 UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada (Photo credit: Nick Redfern) Wayne Sulo Aho claimed otherworldly contacts dating back to his childhood. However, his key encounter with the space brothers allegedly occurred in Washington State in 1948: “I had my first experience telepathically with the …


The Arcturians – The Most Evolved Alien Specie in Our Galaxy and Earth’s Wardens The Arcturians are the guardians of our galaxy and are helping humans transcend into the next dimension. Here are a few of the facts we know about them. When we think of God, we often imagine a single architect responsible for …

Amend the Malevolent Matrix Our Anunnaki Makers Mentored ~ Sasha & Janet Lessin

From the Anunnaki to the Cabal: THE DOMINATOR WORLD & HOW WE GOT HERE, Part 1: WAR & REGICIDE FROM THE GETGO https://www.youtube.com/live/gTY2L8kq5BY?feature=share https://wp.me/p1TVCy-60u for articles, more Youtubes, illustrations, and references; a must for the informed. From Anunnaki: EVOLUTION of the GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, …


During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union fought together as allies against the Axis powers. However, the relationship between the two nations was a tense one. Americans had long been wary of Soviet communism and concerned about Russian leader Joseph Stalin’s tyrannical rule of his own country. For their part, the Soviets resented the Americans’ decades-long refusal …


Otis T. Carr Otis T. Carr (December 7, 1904 – September 20, 1982) first emerged into the 1950s flying saucer scene in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1955 when he founded OTC Enterprises, a company that was supposed to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Nikola Tesla. The claim to be applying some idea of Tesla’s was quite common among exploiters of the …

ANUNNAKI PERKS, PROBLEMS & PLEDGES ~ Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin

Browse to https://wp.me/p1TVCy-54E The Lessins presented Anunnaki Perks, Problems & Pledges at the 2018 Stargate to the Cosmos Expo in October 2018. PERKS the Anunnaki proffered began when they adapted their genome to Earth to create and give us our very existence. We benefitted from the technology they taught as well as computers, rockets, submarines, …

ANUNNAKI PERKS, PROBLEMS & PLEDGES ~ Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin

ANUNNAKI Perks, Problems & Pledges from the ANUNNAKI ~ Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin by Enkiupdated on February 15, 2023Leave a Commenton ANUNNAKI Perks, Problems & Pledges from the ANUNNAKI ~ Dr Sasha Alex Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin Browse to https://wp.me/p1TVCy-54E The Lessins presented Anunnaki Perks, Problems & Pledges at the 2018 Stargate …