Queen Elizabeth II obituary https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/08/queen-elizabeth-ii-obituary Monarch who through her seven decades of public service became a figure of fascination by remaining steadfastly private Stephen BatesThu 8 Sep 2022 15.25 EDT Queen Elizabeth II, who has died aged 96, became through the course of her long reign not only the oldest sovereign in the country’s history …

ELIZABETH II, QUEEN OF ENGLAND ~ 14th cousin 2x removed, 13th cousin 1x removed

Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary), is Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms, Princess Elizabeth of York, van het Verenigd Koninkrijk (15th cousin 1x removed) 1926–2022 BIRTH 21 APRIL 1926 • Mayfair, London, England DEATH 09-08-2022 14th cousin 2x removed, 13th cousin 1x removed Elizabeth II and I are cousins and we go way back. My …