Anunnaki, Extraterrestrials, Galzu, Ninmah, Noah

I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, TOLD ME WHAT TO DO

I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, TOLD ME WHAT TO DO

by Janet Kira Lessin, Editor of EXPERIENCERS, CONSCIOUS CONTACTEES, author of the Dragon at the End of Time series and co-author of the Anunnaki series with Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D.

I dreamed Galzu, the representative of the Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants, downloaded information about what I need to do in the near future.

I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with all that’s happening in the world. The American political situation is horrendous. Global changes are affecting all life on the planet and the weather. Not since Noah’s flood have we seen such extremes–politically, socially, and environmentally. We will eventually discover that COVID is a side effect of humanity destroying the environment.


Galzu told me to own my eternal being & accept who I am on all levels of existence.

Like Galzu, I am an ancient being that has existed since the beginning of Creation. On the Galzu level, I am known as Ki’Ra. Galzu emanates from Source (“the Creator of All”), as do I.

My Source-Creator level is called Joy. I reside 39 degrees on the right side of Source.

I recovered many memories of my existence (which are all simultaneous for time is an illusion of third-dimensional physicality). I have lifetimes in many forms, on many planets, dimensions, “times” & vibratory frequencies. We all do. Most folks, however, aren’t aware of their multidimensional existences. We don’t remember our diversity until we’re ready. I guess I was/am ready for I’ve remembered much and every day that goes by, I remember more.

I exist concurrently with all “lifetimes” in human form. At this moment, I’m Janet Kira Lessin.


I remember existence as a fractal of Ninmah, the Goddess from Nibiru and wife of Lord Enki. I’ve met others on the Earth who also identify as fractals of Ninmah. We are many.

Ninmah is an ancient soul, so she is very advanced and can consciously send threads of her soul into Anunnaki and human forms to maximize her experience and learn, grow, and evolve much faster. She must, for she has huge responsibilities. She is the genius who figured out what was needed to create human beings. According to Galzu, she studied with him in school. She is Galzu’s classmate.


After the flood, the Anunnaki gathered and discussed how the mysterious Galzu stepped in and prevented humanity from being destroyed. Ninmah had not remembered her classes with Galzu, so she was confused.

But like many extraterrestrial experiencers who do not remember all they learn in classes with ETs and other students on board ships or on other worlds, Ninmah may have experienced her mind wipe until the time was right. After the flood, the time was right for the Anunnaki to assemble the puzzle pieces, acknowledge Galzu and Noah, his wife, children, and the other humans from the ark, and join in alliance with them to rebuild the Earth and survive. Noah was granted physical immortality and survived to this day.

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