I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, TOLD ME WHAT TO DO

I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, TOLD ME WHAT TO DO by Janet Kira Lessin, Editor of EXPERIENCERS, CONSCIOUS CONTACTEES, author of the Dragon at the End of Time series and co-author of the Anunnaki series with Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. I dreamed Galzu, the representative of the Galactic Federation of …

I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, told me for what to do in the near future

I dreamed GALZU, Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants Rep, told me for what to do in the near future by Janet Kira Lessin, Editor of EXPERIENCERS, CONSCIOUS CONTACTEES I dreamed Galzu, the rep of the Galactic Federation of Lyran Descendants, downloaded information to me for what I am to do in the near future. I’ve …

Nibiran King ANU tracked Federation Rep GALZU’S RUSES to keep Anunnaki Royals on Earth to perpetuate the survival of Hybrid Earthlings (that’s us)

Nibiran King ANU tracked Federation Rep GALZU’S RUSES to keep Anunnaki Royals on Earth to perpetuate the survival of Hybrid Earthlings (that’s us) >  Click https://wp.me/p1TVCy-6IM and learn all about Galzu. > From ANUNNAKI: FALSE GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) and Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media) >Around 11,200 BCE, Anunnaki [person from Planet Nibiru] Prince Nergal messaged his …

Who is Galzu?

Research & History Janet: I’ve been researching the Anunnaki since Zecharia Sitchin published his first book back in the 1970s. I started researching the Gods when Eric von Daniken published his books back in the 1960s when I was a teenager. My husband, Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin and I have written five books on the …