Our ET creators, the ANUNNAKI from Nibiru, IMPRINTED US WITH DOMINATOR CONSCIOUSNESS & left us with governments, corporations, religions & power elites who STEAL PROPERTY, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES & LIFE & say it’s for the good of all.

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA), Co-author (with Janet Kira Lessin) of ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS.
https://youtu.be/Q3E6PIqdJCU is a VIDEO; click the word “FALSE” to start it.
Our ET creators, the ANUNNAKI from Nibiru, IMPRINTED US WITH DOMINATOR CONSCIOUSNESS & left us with governments, corporations, religions & power elites who STEAL PROPERTY, HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES & LIFE & say it’s for the good of all.
By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA), Co-author (with Janet Kira Lessin) of ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS.
Illustrations, references & articles are yours at https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5XD
Our ET creators, the Anunnaki from Nibiru, imprinted us with Dominator Consciousness. They left us with governments, corporations, religions, and power elites who steal property, health, environmental resources, and life & say it’s for the good of all. The extraterrestrial beings known as the ANUNNAKI from Nibiru have left us with a “dominator consciousness.” They have established governments, corporations, religions, and power elites that exploit our property, health, environmental resources, and lives, all while claiming to act for the greater good. Governments and their allies hide their theft & say that what they do benefits their masses, consumers, and the world. Governments, churches, intelligence services, and multinational corporations mask their crimes.

But rulers and allied institutions–the Cabal–all hurt their citizens, employees, and customers. They hypnotize and propagandize us to think they serve their underlings and the general citizenry. Governments must steal from their citizens, multinationals from their employees, customers, and the Earth itself and conceal the harm they cause lest rival governments, religious institutions, and corporations borg them and take over their rackets. “Governments always align with the Elite, monied, or resource-rich constituents that covertly enslave financially the majority that is not so rich.

Modern journalists discount evidence of conspiracy since the Sandy Hook and Boston Marathons originated with the Q & Trump followers, who see them as part of “woke” false flags & use them to discount other well-documented war causes (such as the pretense that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or that jet fuel made the twin towers collapse). Many media journalists throw out the baby (real evidence-based conspiracies that took place) with the bath (Q, Trump, Obama Birther- Deniers, Republican election disputers, etc.). But the killings of the Kennedys, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Twin Towers, and others below are documentable.
The Cabal executes terror events–false flags–as excuses to scare people into wars from which the Cabal profits. When the victim-populous reacts to the terrible events, the Cabal offers the solution it planned. “Government engineers a problem acts surprised” by the problem it created, then pretends to save the frightened and angry masses “with a solution of its own design.” way before they staged the terror events.
U.S. agents, says Caton, orchestrated the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana to start the Spanish-American War; the U.S. first blamed Spain, then, later, tried to say an “accident” caused the sinking. But now we know better.
American agents arranged the sinking of the Lusitania to get the U.S. into World War 1 against Germany; the U.S. told the Germans where to hit the Lusitania.
U.S. President Roosevelt forbade the Navy to take defensive positions when Yamamoto’s fleet headed for Pearl Harbor so there would be plenty of dead American sailors that would give Roosevelt the excuse he needed to attack Japan, force Japan’s ally, Germany, to attack the U.S. so the U.S. could send American troops to UK
U.S. President Johnson pretended that a North Vietnamese boat fired on an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin [The Americans chased a North Vietnamese gunboat and fired at it] as America’s excuse to wage war in Nam.
The Baby Bush administration stood down so the Twin Towers 911 demolition would look like Bin Laden in Afghanistan organized it. Bush used the pretend terrorist attack as an excuse to go to war in Afghanistan, kill Iraqis and steal their resources, and abrogate more civil rights with the Patriot Act.
“Officials fabricated the account of Oswalt only killing JFK’s assassination. His attempts to neuter the privately held Federal Reserve Bank made him an assassination target. 50% of Americans believe the bogus official explanation.
Ross Perot, in 1922, was polling 39% of American voters to be the next POTUS but dropped out, saying that Bush family agents threatened his family.
Though governments tout the false benign narrative that their impartial laws help all citizens, “the reality is that law creates an elite criminal class in the minority and a large base of victims” who bear the cost of the laws. [Psycopathocracy: ii, 5, 35-36, 106]
The pernicious program implants the Anunnaki imparted about the overweening importance of HIERARCHIES of authority and status they stamped into our psyches impair our empathy. Anunnaki Commander Yahweh-Enlil his emissaries (Angels),” the mutinous Igigi Astronauts (Nephilim) and Prince (Marduk-Satan) taught, modeled and enforced the hierarchical and DUALISTIC consciousness that, as they planned, impair our natural empathy for one another.
They gave us dictators, short lifespans, status obsession, classes, greed, religions, racism, sexism, slavery, taxes, gold lust, debt, murder, war, propaganda & ignorance. They demonstrated and fomented obsession with personal, group racial, religious, national, and commercial status. They showed and taught us compulsive competition, murder-to-rule, and miscegenation.
Today, Earth’s governments “mask, nurture, cultivate and actuate criminal conspiracies to create the appearance of goodness as a cover for evil.” Caton labels Governments’ false goodness a “benign standard narrative a people accept as given–about themselves, their collective principles, their country, and their government. Their benign narrative is deliberately sculpted to hide maliciousness. Governments are parasitic to the masses they rule. Resources they must secure to support their infrastructure and ongoing operations always take more from the general public than they give back. Governments align with an elite moneyed or resource-rich constituent that covertly financially enslaves the majority that is not resource-rich.

Nowadays, multinational corporations Anunnaki Prince Satan-Marduk has secretly run–“the International Monetary Fund, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers–view the world as their fiefdom. The multinationals partner with governments & give them financial support in exchange for favors, contracts, kickbacks, political hits, suppression of competition, freedom from prosecution, laws supporting their agenda, favorable tax treatment, loopholes, special trade, and tariffs, better media coverage, propaganda, controlled educational systems to marginalize critical thinking, fluoridated water, debilitating food additives and harmful pharmaceutical drugs to minimize the cost of suppressing victim resistance when those victimized accept their lot.”
The banking bosses fund all sides involved in big wars and terrorist movements. They have the power to declare fiat money’s worth. Thus, they make money from nothing; it’s fictitious, but it “turns politicians into traitors to the people they ‘serve’ by getting them to accept that money as their debt.”
The mass media, which the government’s bosses control, runs us with the formula “problem-reaction-solution.” Bosses create a problem, pretend surprise, and then “save” us with the “solution,” which was the outcome they wanted when they made the phony problem.
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