Anunnaki, Enki, Enlil, Neil Freer, Sasha Alex Lessin Ph. D.


~  Excerpts from Neil Freer forwarded by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

NEIL FREER, (may he rest in peace) who, at age 12, rode in a saucer with Enki, the Anunnaki sage dedicated to fostering humanity, in  his Manifesto for the 21st Century, wrote how we can transcend our stupid, murderous, stifling ways of being on Earth. 

Below you get a sample;

It is evident, after thousands of years of trial and disastrous errors, that the release from our racially adolescent immaturity we seek as individuals and as a planetary species will not come from yet another econopolitical experiment, yet another U.N. negotiated conflict resolution, religious ecumenical conference, new age vision, academic philosophy, imposition of theocracy, new constitutional political format, much less some new twist on the MAD scenario, or war to end all wars.

We are accustomed to analyze, evaluate and react to significant positive or negative events in the public and private sectors in terms of political, military, economic, scientific, psychological, sociological, or religious factors and ramifications. We do this in the context of a primitive economic, competitive mammalian politic based on territory and the defense of limited survival resources when national boundaries have been rendered meaningless and free energy sources are already available.

The least evolved among us preserve their wealth, built on limited energy supply, by deliberately suppressing developments that would make it limitless. Among some humans, there is an attitude that it is impossible to initialize a common ground to get past the communicatory barriers of turf and custom, belief and taboo. We disagree as to the facts and interpretation and understanding of our species’ history.

These problems translate to the problems that are related to our children and their education. Currently, we matriculate our young mammalian history fleshed out with desiccated, parochial, political platitudes. We teach our children the same platitudes and clichés we were taught and brand them with the same religious, scientific, and intellectual taboos we were tattooed with as children and expect that they will somehow be ready to do better.

The current status quo is a continuation of the primitive theo-political conflicts that we have known for the past three thousand years. The major obstacles that are most fundamentally influencing and hindering our planetary understanding and progress are cultural legacies, cultural lock-ins that are with us as the deepest dyes in the tapestries of our cultures, locked in legacies that influence our thinking, our science, our logic, and our concepts of ourselves.

We have many different and conflicting definitions of what a human is and conflicting “owner’s manuals” by which a human is supposed to operate.  There are two major “owner’s manuals” in the form of Bible and Koran, two in the form of The Book of Changes (The I Ching) and the Book of the Tao. The I Ching and the Book of the Tao are instruction manuals in which the “owner” is understood as the human consulting them. In the case of the Bible and the Koran the “owners” are not the humans but the deities associated with the manuals.

This relationship of “owner” to subject, deity to servant or slave, is understood by the vast majority as “religion”. Those who do question it have often been killed by those who do not. Those of one slave-code religion have often killed those of another slave-code religion over whose owner is the only real Owner or which code is the correct one. Ultimately, these slave-code definitions determine our cultures and their legacies and traditions and are the most basic cause of the separations, divisions, conflicts and wars between humans.

Zecharia Sitchin

What is emerging now is a sense that something neither mechanistic (Darwin) nor theistic (the Bible) is going on. Zecharia Sitchin has advanced a paradigm of our history to enable us to rewrite the entire history of our beginnings and the planet astronomically, evolutionarily, paleontologically, archaeologically and redefine ourselves as humans.


Central to the history of the Anunnaki’s occupation of the planet was the interaction between two brothers, Enlil and Enki. Enki was their chief scientist who was responsible, with his sister Ninhursag, their chief medical officer, for the genetic creation of our species. Enki was sympathetic towards humans and promoted our interests and us. Enlil, eventually known as Jehovah/YHWH, of the Old Testament, maintained the position that humans were to remain slaves, totally subservient to the Anunnaki and him especially.

The Anunnaki phased off this planet at the latest around 1250 B.C. For some three thousand years, subsequently, we humans have been going through a very traumatic transition to racial independence. Proprietary claims made by various groups of humans as to who knew and knows what we should be doing to get the Anunnaki to return or when they returned, perpetuated the palace and social rituals learned under the Anunnaki and sometimes disagreement and strife broke out between them.

Religious ritual is the transmutation of palace servant duties. The serving of favorite roasted meats on the Anunnaki table became the offering of “burnt offerings” on the table now become an “altar”, the transportation of the Anunnaki local ruler on a dais became a procession of statues, the Anunnaki palaces became “temples”, etc. The Anunnaki were known to the humans who were in contact with them as imperfect, flesh and blood humanoids (taller and huskier than we, male and female, the males bearded.

We look like they look because we are half Anunnaki.  Only much later the Anunnaki were sublimated into cosmic character and status and mythologized. Breaking the godspell has seen us go through the stages of abandonment to dissociation, transmutation, religion, rebellion and now to recovery. We have been dysfunctionally looking to the sky where they went for some three thousand years caught in cargo cult religions. We are ready to step out of racial adolescence.

The entire set of world views, theistic, theo-political, cultural, philosophical and scientific that purport to explain our genesis, history, and development as a species are about to be replaced as we recover finally from racial amnesia.  The Anunnaki hypothesis addresses and explains and redefines the root source of all the ancient religions of the world on a common basis so that no particular religion can claim a privileged status of any kind.

Over the last 2000 years we have seen scientific or pseudoscientific doctrines espoused by the various religions being contradicted or demolished and the religions, repeatedly, although with great delay, change their positions with regard to our genesis, history, evolution and science, and modify their doctrines. But the new paradigm addresses the very root doctrines, positions, claimed divine franchise and authority of all the religions of the world and will eventually cause the obsolescence of all institutionalized religions springing from our ancient relationship of subservience to the Anunnaki.

Religion, as we know it, is the transmutation of the Anunnaki-human relationship of master-subject servitude, of slavery and then limited, subservient partnership, the godspell. The concept of God, capital G, has gradually developed through the cosmification of the various Anunnaki rulers Enlil (Jehovah/YHWH), Enki (Adonai, the Lord), Allah (El/Nannar/Sin), among others, gradually embellished with the heady concepts of metaphysical speculation.

It has lately become a sort of faux ecumenical gloss: the TV news quotes the Koran as saying “There is no God but God” when it should be “There is no god but Allah”, a completely different meaning. The god of the Judeo-Roman Christian tradition, Jehovah YHWH was – quite possibly still is — the flesh and blood Anunnaki individual, Enlil, eventually cosmified into the absolute creator of the universe, eventually spoken of as infinite love, infinite justice, infinite this or infinite that, through the bishops and the scholastic philosophers and theologians.


The idea of a cosmic, infinite principle “God”, as many of us still take it for granted, is a thoroughly mixed composite concept of the sublimation of the anthropomorphic and imperfect Anunnaki individuals, the “deities” of slave code religions; metaphysical abstractions accumulated over time through the speculations of the revered philosophers from the Greeks onward; the Hellenic influenced, theo-philosophical teachings of the Roman Church scholastic tradition and mystics; flavored with the concepts of theists, deists, agnostics, theosophists and mystics of any number of sects; and thoroughly leavened by the concepts of the consciousness expanding disciplines and metaphysical doctrines of the East, sprinkled with our own individual intellectual and emotional subjective variations and usually still conditioned by the godspell element of subservience.

But that cosmified, composite, intellectual abstraction is not the Jehovah/YHWH or Jesus of the Judeo-Christian religions, the Prime Mover of Thomas Aquinas or the Omega point of De Chardin, the Allah of the Muslim faith, the Brahma of Hinduism, the Buddha, or the Tao or deity of the religion of your choice.


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