My mother was ambivalent about being a mother for the third time. Her older sister had 10 children by the time I was born in 1954. She was to go on to have two more, a total of 12. My mother felt pressure to keep up. In the early, to mid-1950s just about every woman …
The Elephant in the Room
WHICH PART OF THE ELEPHANT DO YOU HOLD? My husband and I are authors, researchers and investigators. We have interviewed thousands of people on the Aquarian Radio Network and work with diverse groups of people at our conferences and events. Oft times we find ourselves in situations where we are asked to choose a reality, …
Mother Dragon
Always connected to the Dragon Mother, we are in many ways one, the same being. At the highest level of existence, we remember everything and experience ourselves as one being. On that level, I am indeed one with many beings. On some level, I am one with every being including yourself, the person reading this …
The Birth of Janet
Like Ally in the Steven Spielberg movie “Taken,” the US Military tracked me as I came into my human body from the spiritual plane when I birthed this Janet. Aware of my higher levels of existence, I had difficulties integrating into this human form. Since I had agreed to incarnate, I also decided with divine …
Before I Was Born
PRE-BIRTH, EARLY CONTACT & PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES 1 to 2 years old (1954 to 1956) In the in-between life, I selected my current parents and siblings from my soul family. We, humans, tend to reincarnate together frequently but not every lifetime. My parents were part of an outer circle soul group, not the innermost with whom …
TABLE OF CONTENTSDRAGON AT THE END OF TIME Contents October 30, 1938 “The War of the Worlds” was the 17th episode of the CBS Radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air, which was broadcast at 8 pm ET on Sunday, October 30, 1938. H. G. Wells’ original novel tells the story of a Martian invasion of Earth. 1940-1945 1940July 9, 1940 – …
Prepared Since Infancy
PREPARED SINCE INFANCY Prepared since infancy for my life here and now I recognize hindsight’s 20/20 vision, and while I was going through it, I had huge emotional reactions and experiences. I was always meant to live life fully and with great intensity. To this day, there’s never a dull moment. At the highest level, …
Dragon at the End of Time ~ Introduction
INTRODUCTION When I was aware of my existence as one with Source, I began to sub-parse (divide and sub-divide) into separate self-senses so that I might experience a fuller expression of self. In that process, me, myself and I created we, themselves and they. Then they created us. We continued to sub-parse, differentiate, divide, unite, …