Clones & Black Navy Operations at Diego Garcia

After Mark Domizio applied to join the US Navy in 1981, a chain of events began that culminated in him being coerced into signing up for a two-year period for a highly classified program run by the “Black Navy”. The program involved clones of him being created and animated with part of his consciousness (aka …


Brad Olsen has researched the topic of giants in his books and extensive travels around the world, searching for out-of-place artifacts (OOPARTS). He has learned that while the discovery of… This newly released video feature highlights from the “Enki’s Return Adamic DNA, the Tree of Life & Awakening Giants” webinar recorded on December 3 with …

MICHAEL SALLA ~ CHRIS O’CONNOR ~ Conducting Diplomatic Negotiations Between Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrials

From Chris O’Connor’s Bio: Chris O’Connor claims to have completed three “20 and back” tours of duty with secret space programs, including one run by the United Nations. He says that he was born into a human family as an extraterrestrial starseed as part of a pre-life agreement with the US Navy/Air Force. In …