Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man

Indrid Cold, the Truth about Planet Lanulos and the Mystery of the Smiling Man On November 2nd, 1966, Woody Derenberger was driving home from a business trip when he encountered an extraterrestrial being named Indrid Cold. Cold communicated with Woody telepathically, and the two went on to be lifelong friends. Other people close to Woody, …

History of alien abduction claims

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Part of a series on the Paranormal showMain articles showSkepticism showParapsychology showRelated vte History of alien abduction claims describes assertions or claims that people have experienced alien abduction. Such claims came to international prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, but some researchers argue abduction narratives can be traced to decades earlier. Such abduction stories …


List of reported UFO sightings I’m having fun writing a series of books that correlate my own experiences with the UFO and contactee episodes throughout the time I have been alive on the planet. Also, I’m including my research going back to the Anunnaki. Of course, I can’t include everything. But I touch on those …


When I was around 9 or 10, my mom yelled at me as I went out the front door. “Janet, Where are you going?” I snapped back into consciousness. She’s right. Where was I going? Or was I returning? I was sleepwalking, totally unaware of what I was doing. Finally, she came down from upstairs …