

DEC 25: MERRY MITHRAS & HAPPY SATURNALIA (Jesus was born in a house (not a stable) in March (not December), in 7 BCE (not 1 CE) by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D..(Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)




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 From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS*** by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Radio)


Around the first century CE, Roman legionnaires who conquered southern Europe, the northeastern Mediterranean, North Africa and the British Isles spread the cult of Mithras–an amalgam of Anunnaki-worshipping doctrines and rituals–among the locals.


When Augustus ruled the Rome, he proclaimed himself a god and demanded subjects of the Empire worship him. But Phrygia (Anatolia)’s Ninmah (Cybele)’s cult, Egypt’s Osiris and Isis religion, and Iran’s Zoroaster cult, Roman soldiers and commoners, in addition to Emperor worship, worshipped Mithras as humanity’s savior and redeemer.


In Iran, Zoroaster’s devotees at first opposed Mithras’ cult, but Mithrians absorbed Zoroaster (Nabu)’s devotion to Ahura Mazda (Marduk/Zeus) into Mithrianism, with sun-god Sol Invictus as top god. Mithras was “the surviving champion of the sun-god in his struggle with the god of darkness. In recognition of his slaying the sacred bull, Mithras was made immortal intercessor for the human race among the gods.” Thrice daily his followers worshiped in caves, chanted, and drank the blood of animals they ritually sacrificed.


On December 25, Mithrians, in the ritual moderns now conflate with Jesus’ birthday [Jesus was born March 20, probably], celebrated the Festival of Mithas. The sacramental blood they drank at the Festival ensured eternal life and passing to the bosom of Mithas until Judgement.


Mithraism’s an Anunnaki cult Romans spread where they conquered.

Read more about the legacy of Jesus at


The erroneous date of Jesus’ birth stems from a conflation of Jesus with Mithras, a Persian deity venerated by Roman Legionnaires.

Judea in the 1st Century CE lacked inns, so there were no inns lacking vacancies for exclude Mother Mary as she gave birth to Jesus. Matthew 2:11 explicitly states that Jesus was born in a house..

Nor were there any stables in Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth.  Stables, a place for horses were absent.  People, except for Roman cavalry, in those days rode donkeys and mules. 

The nonsensical nativity scene in the modern Christian world comes from St. Francis’ fantasy, one that Pope Honorius III approved in 1223 CE. Francis built a display with Mary, Joseph, an ass, an ox and shepherds adoring the newborn Jesus in a crib.  [Gardner 2008, The Grail Enigma, 152 – 155] 


Neither Jesus Nor Bunnies Laid EASTER EGGS, But The Synod Of Whitby Did
by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Read more about the legacy of Jesus at

In the twisted allegory of the Catholics of England, Jesus’ recovery from his crucifixion became associated with modern Easter egg hunts. Gardner, in The Magdalene Legacy briefs us on how the church came up with this nonsense.

In 664 CE won a propaganda victory over both the Jews’ Passover observances and England’s Celtic Church when the Synod absorbed the Celts’ fertility Festival of their goddess EOSTRE (Easter) into the Catholic religious calender and dissociated the attempted murder of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection as Constantine had ruled must be taught as Church doctrine.  

Passover, celebrating the scram of Moses and his mob from Egypt, is the first full moon after the Equinox 14th day of Nisan [March-April], followed by 7 days of matzos.  Passover coincided exactly with Oestre.  But the Catholic Easter has a variable number of days between March 22 and April 25. 

Constantinople ruled that Easter, as a Christian holiday, should always fall on a Sunday, the Christian Sabbath, based on principles of Rome’s Sol Invictus sun cult, not the Saturday, the Sabbath day of the Jews. So the Synod’s bishops made their sacred day Sunday.  They had succeeded in dissociating Resurrection from both Passover and the ancient Celtic fertility rites.

The Synod incorporated Eostre’s goddess symbols, brightly colored eggs that symbolized female fertility for friends and family, into the Catholic Easter celebration. 

The Catholics associated the colored eggs with a bizarre fabrication in the New Testament Book of Revelation, where Mary Magdalene “went from Judea to Rome for an audience with the Emperor Tiberius.”

She gave Tiberius an egg as a gift and “told him how Jesus had come back to life.

Tiberius remarked that it was impossible as it would be for the egg turning red.”  When he said this, “the egg in Mary’s hand turned red.  That is why Easter eggs became a popular tradition.”

Gardner notes “this does not explain why Mary would travel 1,500 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to the Emperor an egg.” [Gardner, 2005, The Magdalene Legacy, 42-43]

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