1991-2000, Abductees, Alien Abductions, Alien Experience Integration, Contactee, Experiencers, Extraterrestrials, Grey Aliens, Janet Kira Lessin

JUST ANOTHER GREY DAY by Janet Kira Lessin

I hit the mattress with a loud thunk. “Ouch,” I complained, “Why do they drop me from so high? The Greys usually plop me on my back, face up. But frequently they let go too high and knock the wind out of me. My soul knew what was coming next as it knew the routine that started many, many years ago when I was born. My ego-self was caught off guard. I heard a soft whoosh of spray released by my ear; I felt its moisture on my cheek. Normally my mind blanked, and I would instantly fall into a deep sleep. This time, I was paralyzed, my eyes shut, my mind racing, “Why am I not forgetting this nightmare?”

The alarm buzzed. All this transpired in seconds. Each second was slowed down, so each second felt like a minute. Minutes felt like hours. When one is abducted by aliens, time gets very convoluted. This is a result of the time/space anomaly warp thing that happens when you interact with aliens. Eyes still closed I reached for the off switch and silenced the alarm, pulling me out of its auditory hell. “No, no, no! I can’t go to work like this. This must be a mistake! How can I possibly go to work and function like this?”

Typically after an abduction experience, my mind gets wiped. It’s not really erased, just wiped, like a sideswipe on a smartphone. Conscious memories are moved over and pushed deep into the subconscious. The mind wipe process is actually more merciful than that which had just happened to me. When you get abducted by aliens and fully remember it, it’s hard to go to work and act normal.

I just had the most intense, conscious alien encounter of my life, and now I had to get up and go to work in an already radical tense environment and act “normal.” Working for the military on a remote location, an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is stressful. There’s no way in or out without permission. Everything’s classified, secret. We exist on a need to know basis. Yet this abduction was either a mistake or they wanted me to remember. And since they have technology way beyond the norm since it’s extraterrestrial, I assume they wanted me to remember. Maybe this is graduation day and I’m finally old enough, mature enough, spiritually advanced enough to remember.

But the alarm just rang, the clock was ticking. I had one hour to shower, eat and get to work. With no one to trust, I had to keep everything to myself. That’s really hard for I was totally destabilized and needed to process. I needed time to think and there was none. Most people get time to integrate trauma. But I lived in a dangerous environment 24/7 and I suffered from PTSD the entire time.

I felt angry. I’m anything but “normal” at this moment, and I have about an hour to get my shit together and get into the office and ACT LIKE EVERYTHING’S NORMAL!!,

And later in the day, Colonel Piper would call me into his office for our daily, “chat”. One knows when they’re being interrogated even by the friendliest of faces. And I genuinely like Piper. He was like a father figure and I was far from home and years down the road from relying on my actual father. But when you’re far from home and surrounded by aliens, your inner child cries for someone to help you.

Furious, I threw back my covers, grabbed my toilet kit, and headed for the barrack showers. This promised to be an exceptionally challenging day.


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