I have a theory after years of research combined with my ET contact, downloads, past-life memories, automatic writing, channeling, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, communications with the dead, and psychic intuition. Here it is.
The universe teams with life, and many species are space-faring and have been traveling for millions of years. Sentient life-forms and higher dimensional beings colonized our galaxy, solar system, and the Earth. Likewise, the Earth has been home to space and interdimensional visitors since its creation. Terraformers visit, introduce species, take what they want, and life’s always getting seeded and destroyed over and over throughout the cosmos.
Life is fragile with things continuously happening in space, like comets, asteroids, Nibiru, Planet X, Earth changes, cosmic collisions, wars, colonization, and many other factors that move life from one place to the next. A planet may undergo terraforming and alien intervention. Each sphere that circulates a sun must ultimately face the time when its sun goes to Nova. The sentient species that develop on various worlds need to reach a level of consciousness and technological evolution necessary to get their planet out of harm’s way, or you need to immigrate off-planet.
The Anunnaki faced the extinction of their species by mistreating their planet through pollution and wars, just like humans are doing here on Earth right now. They colonized the Earth and hybridized themselves with Terran species to strengthen their own, develop their civilizations and maximize growth by using slavery and creating conflict and wars to speed up technological development. While this process speeds up growth, it does not always allow spiritual development to match the rate of technological development, which is harmful to these planets.
Enki’s son, Thoth, discovered the Watchers who lived under the Earth in the Halls of Amenti. Many cities, civilizations, beings, life-forms, plants, and animals exist inside our Earth. Many are space-faring and interact with the Federation and other organizations and species that colonize and govern the galaxy and Universe.
The Anunnaki are a semi-conscious species. They are long-lived and have much greater awareness and knowledge of life after death and how others live in the cosmos. But they still live in lower dimensions, 3rd, and 4th, and have not ascended. So they have a lot to figure out and will eventually reap their karma.
They never left Earth, but remained in complete control. At least two factions are vying for the top of the pyramid, the all-seeing eye and mastery, and dominance of the world. They introduced humanity to war and the money/greed game and are masters at getting what they want. Humans are stupid in comparison, mainly because they genetically altered us, dummied us down, and kept us down through programming, toxic food, pollution, and an unhealthy environment. Individually, we have brief lives, so we never get wise and figure it out.
Enki, Ninmah, and Thoth created, loved, and supported us and want us to not only survive but thrive. But we never figure it out because they control all information and are in charge.
Anu and the Council gave Marduk control of the Earth after the wars between Inanna and Marduk. Their fight ended with the nuclear holocaust of Sodom and Gomorrah. Many Anunnaki left, leaving Marduk in charge of the Earth. It’s easy to believe Marduk’s still in control. After all, it’s not even been a year for the Anunnaki as they experience time differently than humans, as their year is approximately 3600 Earth years. Enlil wants to see us tightly managed.
Most Anunnaki, especially those in the Enlil clan, don’t see us as equals. Humans are much the same as our parents, the Anunnaki, in that we have the same prejudice and bias between races, genders, and religions. But Enki, Ninmah, and Thoth love us; we are their children. But I haven’t quite figured out yet why the Anunnaki rulership hasn’t changed hands, and are we in the Age of Aquarius now? And if not, when will that happen, and will it happen in time to save us before humanity further devolves and nuclear war blasts us back to the stone age?
Thoth discovered the Watchers when he went to Inner Earth. They live by a portal between this world and beyond. A singularity exists in each sphere that connects via a grid to all other singularities in the continuum. They use interdimensional portals, so travel is instant across the Universe. These beings are conscious and eternally connected to Source since they are Origin beings, created at the start.
The Watchers reminded Thoth of who he was as an eternal being. He reconnected with his Higher Self and Oversoul, back to his Origin being of existence, and reconnected to Source. Once conscious, he returned to Earth and learned how to travel into human form by leaving his body in stasis in the Halls of Amenti. He became known as the thrice-born Hermes. He taught his father, Enki, and Ninmah, his father’s wife and auntie, how to travel into human avatars.
Since then, Enki, Ninmah, and Thoth have sent fractals of themselves into human avatars to activate humanity further and help us develop in time to save ourselves. But, also, we must do better than the Anunnaki as it doomed us to repeat our parent’s mistakes.
I’ve identified some candidates in our human history that may have been Anunnaki avatars. When you think about who might have been fractals, some heroes of our Earth, like Jesus and Buddha, stand out and seem apparent. While incarnate in human form, they are human and subject to human frailties and make mistakes, just like the rest of us.
Tesla is a magical being involved with ideas and technologies way beyond the norm. He may have been an alien himself, and like Omnec Onec (the woman from Venus) and Valiant Thor, he was probably from Venus. I believe Venus is an Anunnaki colony and that they colonized many planets in our solar system, especially Venus, Mars, and our Moon.
There is a theory that Tesla was an alien. I believe not only is he an alien (meaning non-terrestrial in Origin), but he is also a fractal of Enki, the co-creator and father of humanity. Tesla had knowledge and information way beyond human norms. While Tesla was most likely the most intelligent man on Earth-like Enki was the most brilliant man on Nibiru.
Tesla talked with aliens, probably was an alien, worked on energy systems, space ships, time travel, the Philadelphia Experiment, Star Wars, and more. In addition, it seems he was involved in helping the Allies during the war as alien forces were helping the Nazis. Also, after Tesla’s supposed death, his technologies and the FBI stole Tesla’s documents, notes, and files. They made their way to Americans like William Tompkins (author of Selected by Extraterrestrials) to develop NASA’s space program, weapons, etc.
The military recruited Bill right out of high school because of his extraordinary talents, and he ended up working with aliens because he could communicate with them telepathically. Many contactees, like myself, can also telepathically communicate with ETs. However, not everyone can do that, so it seems.
Coincidentally, he was born at 12:01 AM on July 9th, like my husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin. Of course, they were born in different years, but the exact date and time they were both born seem way beyond coincidence and random probability.
I have concluded that my husband is a fractal of Enki (Sasha insists he is not Enki) and Michael Lee Hill and a few others. They exude specific energy, have higher intelligence, and are kind and conscious ideologically. Obviously, I don’t know Michael as well as my husband. My husband has a heart of gold and is brilliant, just like Enki and Tesla, but their brilliance comes through in different ways.
As human fractals of the Anunnaki, our bodies have brains with limited capacity. The Anunnaki do not allow us to use our entire brains.
The Gaia Project said many advanced species like the Anunnaki and other higher developed extraterrestrials and interdimensionals send emissaries into third-dimensional physicality to quicken us. Since we are up against elements not yet seen by us or revealed, there are factions well aware of our perils, so they periodically speed up the evolution of species to maximize their chances of survival.
The Dr. Michael Newton Institute uncovered similar information about advanced level beings and how they send fractals of themselves where needed in the cosmos to guarantee positive outcomes and override dark forces.
Sometimes it seems God has abandoned us, but actually, Source left us to our own devices to learn on our own. Like parents who must watch their children fall and learn how to pick themselves up again, we must learn how to walk independently. But while the Federation says humanity lives in a realm of non-interference, that’s nonsense. We have always been in constant contact, and other beings have interfered in our development since the beginning. Otherwise, it would take millions of years for us to strengthen, and here we are, the product of hybridization and constant interjections of ideas, advanced beings, DNA, rehabilitation after cosmic catastrophes, and more.
Source and Origin beings bless us, and it’s time to nurture that more. It’s time for us to thank the gods and God and Source for our blessings and focus on manifesting a co-creation, a reality that meets everyone’s needs and allows us infinite happiness and total bliss. We’ve paid our dues, and it’s time. And it’s doable.
We need to ask for help and push aside negative thoughts, deeds, and ideas, replacing them with love, gratitude, and appreciation for the extreme diversity we enjoy. Lack of diversity creates stagnation, boredom, and devolution. To grow, we need to appreciate our individuality and support the diversification of creation, which keeps our species and planet strong.